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Computer Shortcut Keys


S.No.Shortcut KeysFunction
1Alt+FDisplays the File menu options
2Alt+EOpens the  Edit options 
3Alt+TabSwitch between open programs
4F1Used by every Windows program for Help
5F2To Rename a selected file
6F5Refresh the page or current window
7Ctrl+DTo Bookmarks the current page (for most Browsers)
8Ctrl+NCreate a new or blank document or open a new tab in the Internet Browser
9Ctrl+OTo Open a file
10Ctrl+ASelect the entire text at once
11Ctrl+BChange the text to Bold
12Ctrl+IChange the Text to Italics
13Ctrl+UUnderline the selected text
14Ctrl+SSave the file or document you are working on
15Ctrl+XCut selected part of the text or image
16Shift+DelRemove the selected items
17Ctrl+CTo copy the text or image
18Ctrl+VTo Paste
19Ctrl+YRedo last action
20Ctrl+ZUndo last action
21Ctrl+KInsert hyperlink for selected text.
22Ctrl+PTo print the document
23HomeMoves the beginning of the current line
24Ctrl+HomeMoves to the beginning of the document
25EndMoves to the end of the line
27Ctrl+EndMoves to the end of the document
28Ctrl+Left arrowMoves one word to the left at a time.
29Ctrl+Right arrowMoves one word to the right at a time.
30Alt+F4To close the program currently active
31Alt+EnterOpen the properties for the selected item 
32Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Create a non-breaking space
33Ctrl + Shift+ < Decrease font size one value
34Ctrl + Shift + >  Increase the font size one value
35Ctrl + [ Increase the font size by 1 point
36Ctrl + ] Decrease the font size by 1 point
37Ctrl + SpacebarRemove paragraph or character formatting
38Ctrl + Alt + V Paste special
39Ctrl + Shift + V  Paste formatting only
40Ctrl+F10 Maximise the document window
41Ctrl + Shift + T Enter the current time
42Ctrl + ;Enter the current date
43Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window
44Shift + F5Bring up search box.
45Ctrl + F9 Minimise current workbook
46Ctrl + F10Maximise currently selected workbook
47Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks/window
48Ctrl + Page Down Move between Excel worksheets in the same Excel document
49Ctrl + TabMove between two or more open Excel files
50Ctrl + Page Up Move between Excel worksheet in the same Excel document
51Alt + =Create a formula to sum all of the cells
52Ctrl + ’Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.
53Ctrl + Arrow key Move to next section to text
54Ctrl + SpaceSelect entire column
55Shift + SpaceSelect entire row
56Ctrl+LTo left-align the selected text
57Ctrl+RTo right-align the selected text
58Ctrl+JTo justify the selected text
59Ctrl+ETo centre align the text
60Ctrl+DelTo delete the word to the right
61Shift+DelTo permanently delete a file

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