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MS Office

 अगर 2022 में आपको Private job पाना है, तो आपको MS Office की जानकारी होना बहुत ही जरूरी है क्योंकि अक्सर Offices में आपको Word, Excel और PowerPoint etc का काम आता ही रहता हैं, ऐसे में अगर आपको MS Office की knowledge नही होगी, तो आपको काफी परेशानी आ सकती है।

MS Office का Full Form है, Microsoft Office इसको Microsoft Corporation ने Developed किया है। MS Office एक तरह का Application Software का एक Complete Package है, जिसमे आपको काफी सारे Useful Application Softwareदेखने को मिलते है। दोस्तो जैसा की आप सभी लोग जानते है की MS Office को हम General & Office दोनों ही Purpose के लिए Use किया करते है।
MS Office मे आप किसी भी तरह का Word Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Reports etc को आसानी से Create कर सकते है। 

MS Office के Versions की Lists कुछ इस तरह से है, आप इनको देख सकते है। 

  • 2002 – MS Office 2002
  • 2003 – MS Office 2003
  • 2007 – MS Office 2007
  • 2010 – MS Office 2010
  • 2013 – MS Office 2013
  • 2016 – MS Office 2016

What is MS Word?

Used to make professional-quality documents, letters, reports, etc., MS Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It has advanced features which allow you to format and edit your files and documents in the best possible way. 

How to open MS Word 

Follow these simple steps to open MS Word on your personal computer:

Start → All Programs → MS Office → MS Word.

What are the uses of MS Word?

MS Word enables users to do write-ups, create documents, resumes, contracts, etc. This is one of the most commonly used programs under the Office suite.

  • It is useful in creating text documents

  • Work Art, colours, images, animations can be added along with the text in the same file which is downloadable in the form of a document
  • Authors can use for writing/ editing their work

Features of MS Word

  • Home

This has options like font colour, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line spacing, etc. All the basic elements which one may need to edit their document is available under the Home option.

  • Insert

Tables, shapes, images, charts, graphs, header, footer, page number, etc. can all be entered in the document. They are included in the “Insert” category.

  • Design

The template or the design in which you want your document to be created can be selected under the Design tab. Choosing an appropriate tab will enhance the appearance of your document.

  • Page Layout

Under the Page Layout tab comes options like margins, orientation, columns, lines, indentation, spacing, etc. 

  • References

This tab is the most useful for those who are creating a thesis or writing books or lengthy documents. Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption, bibliography, etc. can be found under this tab.

  • Review

Spell check, grammar, Thesaurus, word count, language, translation, comments, etc. can all be tracked under the review tab. This acts as an advantage for those who get their documents reviewed on MS Word.

                                                        MS Excel

What is MS Excel?

MS Excel is a spreadsheet program where one can record data in the form of tables. It is easy to analyse data in an Excel spreadsheet. 

  • Majorly used for making spreadsheets
  • A spreadsheet consists of grids in the form of rows and columns which is easy to manage and can be used as a replacement for paper
  • Calculations can be done based on the large amount of data entered into the cells of a spreadsheet within seconds
  • File extension, when saved in the computer, is “.xls”
The image given below represents how an Excel spreadsheet looks like:

How to open MS Excel?

To open MS Excel on your computer, follow the steps given below:

  • Click on Start
  • Then All Programs
  • Next step is to click on MS Office
  • Then finally, choose the MS-Excel option

Alternatively, you can also click on the Start button and type MS Excel in the search option available.

What is a cell?

A spreadsheet is in the form of a table comprising rows and columns. The rectangular box at the intersection point between rows and columns forms a cell. Given below is an image of a cell:

What is Cell Address?

The cell address is the name by which is cell can be addressed. For example, if row 7 is interested in column G, then the cell address is G7. 

Features of MS Excel

Various editing and formatting can be done on an Excel spreadsheet. Discussed below are the various features of MS Excel. 

The image below shows the composition of features in MS Excel:

  • Home
    • Comprises options like font size, font styles, font colour, background colour, alignment, formatting options and styles, insertion and deletion of cells and editing options
  • Insert
    • Comprises options like table format and style, inserting images and figures, adding graphs, charts and sparklines, header and footer option, equation and symbols
  • Page Layout
    • Themes, orientation and page setup options are available under the page layout option
  • Formulas
    • Since tables with a large amount of data can be created in MS excel, under this feature, you can add formulas to your table and get quicker solutions 
  • Data
    • Adding external data (from the web), filtering options and data tools are available under this category
  • Review
    • Proofreading can be done for an excel sheet (like spell check) in the review category and a reader can add comments in this part 
  • View
    • Different views in which we want the spreadsheet to be displayed can be edited here. Options to zoom in and out and pane arrangement are available under this category

Benefits of Using MS Excel

MS Excel is widely used for various purposes because the data is easy to save, and information can be added and removed without any discomfort and less hard work.

Given below are a few important benefits of using MS Excel:

  • Easy To Store Data: Since there is no limit to the amount of information that can be saved in a spreadsheet, MS Excel is widely used to save data or to analyse data. Filtering information in Excel is easy and convenient.
  • Easy To Recover Data: If the information is written on a piece of paper, finding it may take longer, however, this is not the case with excel spreadsheets. Finding and recovering data is easy.
  • Application of Mathematical Formulas: Doing calculations has become easier and less time-taking with the formulas option in MS excel
  • More Secure: These spreadsheets can be password secured in a laptop or personal computer and the probability of losing them is way lesser in comparison to data written in registers or piece of paper.
  • Data at One Place: Earlier, data was to be kept in different files and registers when the paperwork was done. Now, this has become convenient as more than one worksheet can be added in a single MS Excel file.
  • Neater and Clearer Visibility of Information: When the data is saved in the form of a table, analysing it becomes easier. Thus, information is a spreadsheet that is more readable and understandable.

                                 MS PowerPoint

  • Each presentation is made up of various slides displaying data/ information
  • Each slide may contain audio, video, graphics, text, bullet numbering, tables etc.
  • The extension for PowerPoint presentations is “.ppt”
  • Used majorly for professional usage

Features of MS Word

Given below are the different fields in which MS Word is used and simplifies the work of an individual:

  • In Education: It is considered as one of the simplest tools which can be used by both teachers and students. Creating notes is easier using MS Word as they can be made more interactive by adding shapes and images. It is also convenient to make assignments on MS Word and submitting them online
  • In Workplace: Submitting letters, bills, creating reports, letterheads, sample documents, can all easily be done using MS Word
  • Creating & Updating Resume: One of the best tools to create your resumes and is easy to edit and make changes in it as per your experience
  • For Authors: Since separate options are available for bibliography, table of contents, etc., it is the best tool which can be used by authors for writing books and adjusting it as per the layout and alignment of your choice 

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CPU = Central Processing Unit RAM = Random Access Memory ROM = Read Only Memory PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM = Erasable PROM EEPROM = Electrically EPROM HDD = Hard Disk Drive FDD = Floppy Disk Drive KBD = KeyBoard I/O = Input & Output CD = Compact Disk DVD = Digital Video Disk SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply POST = Power ON Self Test BIOS = Basic Input Output System VDU = Visible Display Unit LED = Light Embedded Diode LCD = Liquid Crystal Display USB = Universal Serial Bus VGA = Video/Visual Graphic Adapter LAN = Local Area Network WAN = Wide Area Network MAN = Metropolitan Area Network HLL = High Level Language LLL = Low Level Language MIPS = Million of Instruction Per Second Mbps = Mega Bytes Per second Kbps = Kilo Bytes per second HTTP = Hyper Text Templates WWW = World Wide Web IP = Internet Protocol ISP = Internet Service Provider 4 Bits = 1 Nibble 8 Bits = 1 Byte 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilo Byte ( KB ) 1024 KB = 1 Mega Byte ( MB ) 1024 MB = 1 Gyga Byte ( GB ) 1024 GB =...